Terms and Conditions

We are a travel agent and in that capacity we offer for sale to you various products and/or services on behalf of our Principals via. Airlines, other transport operators, hotels and other accommodation providers, tour operators and all other principal suppliers. These are referred to throughout as “the Principal/s”.

A. Brochure Services

Our services consist of arranging and coordinating the services offered by the Principals. We are instrumental in bringing about a direct contractual relationship between you, the customer, and the Principals. We undertake to perform these services with reasonable care and skill but we cannot and do not guarantee the performance of the functions offered by the Principals and we will not be liable in the event that you suffer loss, injury or disappointment by reason of any acts or failings of any Principal. In any such case your remedy will lie against the Principal.You should be aware that the brochures which we supply to you are the brochures of our Principals and that the statements and representations contained in such brochures are not ours but are made by the Principals. In many cases we have no firsthand knowledge of the facilities or services referred to therein. We are merely passing on to you the Principal’s instructions and we accept no liability for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations contained in such brochures.

B. Travel Documentation

To assist us with providing the correct documentation for your travel please, complete of our Client Information Sheet supplied and return, along with photo copy/copies of passport showing all visa’s, at your earliest opportunity.It is imperative that when advising us of the names of those travelling that the spelling provided exactly matches the spelling in the traveller’s passport or the traveller maybe denied boarding on aircraft or entry into a country.All coupons, receipts and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by the relevant Principal.We cannot be held responsible for any loss where we have been provided with incorrect information.

C. Travel Insurance

We recommend that you take out a travel insurance policy at the time you pay for your travel. You should ensure that such insurance will protect you against medical expenses arising from sickness or injury during your travel and protect you against loss or damage to your belongings. At this time, however, insurance cover is not available for the financial collapse of all parties involved in providing services on your behalf during your travel or holiday.Where you choose not to take out a policy with Ultimate Getaway travel insurance you may be asked to sign a waiver accepting responsibility for making your own arrangements.

D. Cancellation Fees

Where you wish to cancel a booking we will charge the cancellation fees set out in your booking confirmation.In addition our Principals may also charge cancellation fees or the cost of the booking may be non-refundable. It is important to check the position with us before you confirm arrangements and/or before you cancel any confirmed reservations.

E. Changes in Reservations

Where you wish to amend a booking we will charge the amendment fees set out in your booking confirmation.In addition our Principals may also charge amendment fees and/or the booking maybe non-transferable. In some cases it may not be possible to change reservations. You should always check the cost before requesting changes in reservations.

F. Price Increases

Subject to the terms of sale of our Principals prices may change (almost invariably by being increased) without prior notice and even though your arrangements have been confirmed. Such price increases are beyond our control.

G. Payment

If payment has not been made by the specified date, bookings may be cancelled.If a deposit has been made and full payment as not been made by the specified date, the deposit is non-refundable.Payments by credit card will incur an additional fee. 2.5% for Diners, Visa and Master Card and 3% for Amex.Cheques will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to pay by cheque, please let us know by the earliest.

H. Refunds

Where a refund is due this will be paid to you once we receive the cash from the Principal involved.

I. Passport and Visa Requirements

Prior to confirming your travel arrangements, please check your Passport and establish that it will not expire less than six months after you return from your trip. Expiry within that time may mean you are denied entry to other countries.Where you do not seek our assistance before you leave New Zealand you must clarify visa and pre-entry requirements with the Embassies of the countries that you plan to visit as certain countries may require you to obtain a visa.The authorities in some countries (including Australia and USA) may require travelers to obtain a visa for entry into their country where the traveler has been convicted of a criminal offense. Please note the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act, which allows the non-disclosure of criminal convictions in certain circumstances, does not apply to overseas countries visa applications. A visa may also be required where a contagious disease or serious health problem exists.If you want us to assist you with the Visa and /or Entry requirements for your destination(s) then you must disclose to us all previous convictions (if any), been arrested and charged and if you have had a contagious disease or serious health problem.

J. Re-entry Visas for New Zealand

Re-entry visas will be required for travelers leaving New Zealand holding a foreign passport and you must ensure this is obtained prior to you leaving the country.

K. Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act

The Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act, which allows the non-disclosure of criminal convictions in certain circumstances, does not apply to overseas countries. So if you want us to assist you with the Visa and /or Entry requirements for your destination(s) then you must disclose to us all previous convictions (if any) and whether or not you have ever been arrested and charged. In both cases this is regardless of type of offence, when they occurred, and the penalties involved.

L. Pay or Stay

If a warrant for the arrest of a traveler has been issued because of unpaid court fines or reparation then they may be stopped from leaving the country. If you feel this may affect you or a travelling companion then please log onto www.payorstay.govt.nz or ring 0800-PAYORSTAY for more information.

M. Vaccinations

Certain countries require that travellers be vaccinated against specific diseases. Check with your doctor and the Embassies of countries to which you are to travel to satisfy yourself as to whether your destination has any requirements in this respect.

N. Checking your Travel Arrangements

We have exercised care in putting together the arrangements requested by you in regard to your travel and accommodation. It is important that you check all of the documentation handed to you in relation to your proposed travel and accommodation to ensure that it fully meets with your requirements and to ensure that there have been no misunderstandings.